Sunday, May 31, 2009

pollution control

One can even make a pollution check machine which checks pollution of even moving vehicles,
seems quite interesting............ now this machine would also have the ability to
track down the vehicles emitting too much of effluents (mainly the carbon dioxide,
sulphur dioxide, carbon particles and some other).

Once a vehicle enters a tunnel having such a device it's mesh of radar would track down the
information of the owner ,engine manufacturer ,engine model etc that should be stored
in a chip being attached to the running vehicle and a system of fans would suck in the air
now being in a closed area the air would mostly comprise of emissions . Then this air is passed
over water ....... water separates the carbon particles from the rest as carbon particles float
on water surface...... now the water is heated this gives out the dissolved gases and the gas got after the fluid passing through water are both diffused through a diffuser this separates both the gases
as their physical properties are different....... now a quantitative test is run on these separated
gases to yield what quantity is got from the emissions and the carbon particle emission is
known from the that floating on the surface of water... all these is fed to a computer and
the data is compared with the limit set by the pollution control department of that country and if limit is crossed then the owner can be behind bars within few minutes .......

the carbon dioxide determination in gases has various advanced techniques via the infrared
spectrometry which may be discussed some other time...........

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